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So excited that you decided to stop by our page to learn more about Savor Life Wellness and our stories! 

I’m a country girl; dog-mama to my lovable golden retriever, Fisher; love to my husband Darin; and an aunt to a pack of little ladies and a little boy who fill my life with laughter.  I spend most of my time with family and doing the things I enjoy like sewing, crocheting, traveling, baking, cooking, gardening, reading and kayaking.


I love being outside and digging in the dirt either planting colorful flowers, like my favorite zinnias, or growing healthy veggies.  I grew up on a family farm so agriculture is in my roots and I love the entire process of planting little seeds, taking care of them, harvesting the produce, and then preparing the food in the kitchen.  



Kara's Story

Speaking of the kitchen, when I’m not outside, you’ll most often find me there!  It’s my favorite room of the house because so much is made from scratch and love.  I began cooking and baking with my mom and grandmas when I was young.  Nowadays, I still love to bake and also cook most of the food I eat with my sis and her family.  I rarely eat out just because I’m a bit frugal and I also eat healthier when I have prepared it myself. 

A few years back I started a home baking business with my sis, Kendra.  It’s just part-time as I work full-time for the Michigan Senate, but it has grown through the years.  We make all sorts of goodies, like cakes, cupcakes, cake bites and cookies for all occasions, but my favorite part is the excitement that you see on a little one’s face when they see their birthday cake for the first time and just being a part of someone’s special day…so wonderful to be a part of all those memories.


Baking and working in wellness may seem like they are polar opposites, right?  But to me, it’s all about the balance.  I love combining my joy of baking with finding cleaner, healthier baked goods to make and share with family and friends too.  I’ve been doing more experimenting with that during the past year and look forward to sharing what I’ve learned.


So how exactly did I get interested in wellness?  After seeing the positive changes my sis was experiencing last year as a result of new workouts, personal development, and an intentional pursuit of positivity, I decided to follow her lead. 


Honestly, I had been working out pretty regularly for the past 10 years or so, but I had become complacent with my eating habits and my workouts.  I did the same programs day after day and ate anything I wanted, whenever I wanted…usually that meant a cupcake every night.  And while I still love cupcakes, one a day isn’t great balance.  




Now I am more intentional about what I do to be active and what I eat each day to fuel my body.  Even more important than that, I pay much more attention to what I am feeding my mind through books I read about faith, motivation, reducing fears, breaking free from perfectionism, and increasing productivity.


My favorite Bible verse is: Isaiah 40:31 but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.


I’m an active person, so I love the imagery this creates of soaring, running and walking without growing tired, but what I’ve been learning over the past year or so is that we can’t do those things through our own power, we do them only with God.  That is so much more reassuring than if I had to do it all alone.   




I have so much more to learn and improve…I know I’m a work in progress and will continue savoring life and all it brings as I focus on my passions of Faith, Food, Family and Fitness. 


Thank you for your time and interest.  I can’t wait to learn about you too!

But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31

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