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Better-for-you Baked Donuts

Two of my three food eating littles love these donuts. My third little one took a bite and said, "yuummmm mommy, these are good but I like daddy's donuts better."

Yep, the ones he likes better are from a gas station like Quality Dairy packed with jelly and sugar. I like them now and then myself (chocolate custard long-johns) but not so often as these boys would like them.

But I call two of three kids liking our better-for-you baked donuts a win. And that's my goal as we work on healthier habits--doing better not perfect!

So wanted to pass along this recipe and a link to where we found the pans. Hope you enjoy them!

Baked Donut Pans - We found them on Amazon which is my best friend to avoid taking littles to the store especially when items arrive in 2 days!



3/4 cup milk of choice

1 tablespoon lemon juice

1 3/4 cup flour

1/4 cup corn starch

2/3 cup raw honey

2 teaspoons baking powder

1 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon nutmeg

1/4 teaspoon cinnamon

1/2 cup mashed banana (about 1 medium banana)

2 tablespoons coconut oil



1. Heat oven to 425 degrees F.

2. Mix the milk and lemon juice together

3. Mix the flour, starch, baking powder, salt, nutmeg and cinnamon. Add the honey, banana & coconut oil and mix. Then add the milk and juice mixture.

4. Spray the donut pans. Spoon the mixture into each spot so it's about 2/3 full.

5. Bake 7-9 minutes until the donut springs back when touched lightly. Let cool in pan 5 minutes.

6, Spoon a bit of coconut oil on each donut and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar (optional)

(This post may contain Amazon affiliate links of which Savor Life Wellness receives a small commission from sales of certain items, but the price is the same for you.)


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